Saturday, March 1, 2008

No hablo espanol pero aprendro!

HOLA! well here it is: mi espanol no es bueno y todos las personas en mi barrio sabenlo! Transalation - I don´t speak spanish well and all the people in my neighborhood know it! HA! So here I am in Pantoja, which is a city about 30 mintues outside Santo Domingo. Our training center is also here as well as my host family (other PCTs are living in otros barrios). My family consists of un abuelo y un abuela y su hija y tres ninos. The kids think I´m funny and keep telling me mire en su libro (look in your book!) I have to believe anf know that my spanish will come, but right now in all truth I am frustrated. I wish i could just flip a switch and speak spanish, but this is part of the process and I need to embrace it.

Other then the language, things are great. My training class continues to impress and suprise me. And this country is so full of life, so many noises and people and more noises and more mosquitoes! Por ejemplo, last night I went to bed pretty early because I was exhausted! I woke up to a rooster cock a doodle dooing thinking it was early in the morning and I was well rested. Nope! It was 1:30 am and the cock a doole dooing did not stop all night. Other noises are from merengue, bachata musica y motocicletos. There are so many emotions...not sure what else for the moment. Adios.

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